Monday, May 23, 2005

Herman's Head

I was thinking alot about this show today. Mostly, the different aspects of Herman's personality, and how this was just a great idea for a show. I remember those characters and situations pretty well, and I wonder if it's coming out on DVD? I was too spaced out during the show's run to really remember how long it lasted, but I think it was about 3 years.

On a side note - I have this VERY bizarre crush on Yeardly Smith, most famous for being the voice of Lisa Simpson. I remember a scene of hers from "As Good as It Gets," where she plays a nervous accountant who has to break the news that her client is broke. She uses these cards to walk her through it. It was both funny and touching.

The Job Hunt

I am about to look for a new job. My resume and a couple of sample cover letters are done, and I've been through the paper and on-line over the weekend. My plan is to contact every publishing company in Indianapolis with a cold call,a nd try to get in the door that way.

I'm a little nervous, but I guess that's to be expected.

My dream job right now would be to write full time. I have been spending alot of time working on submissions for a couple of genre-specific magazines, and trying hard to make myself look good on their messageboards. It's been a great experience so far, and I think I've finally figured out what to do with my life.

I only wish I had understood this ten years ago, but it's better late than never.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

You've just inherited a manufacturing plant that specializes in plastics. What are you going to make?

Here is my full answer to the Profile Question. As you can see, the correct answer requires more than 150 characters:

You've just inherited a manufacturing plant that specializes in plastics. What are you going to make?

I need to have an inventory of what is currently made, and consider the relative strength and profitability of all current contracts. I will then hire a team of market analysts to find market gaps with unfulfilled demand. Then, based on the cost of engineers and manufacturing of new presses, we will decide in committee of pursuing these new markets will be worth the additional cost.

I will then consider and reject moving the manufacturing plant to the United States, opting for the cheaper labor at the factory's current location. Taking up religion and donating to surface philanthropies will both ease my conscience and get my name out there for future plaques at awards banquets, where I can mingle with other wealthy socialites and achieve new plastics contracts and government tax breaks (depending on the particular third world country this factory is located in).

I will most likely never visit the factory floor or purcahse on of my own products, as plastic is a substance for commoners. My goods will be constructed of the finest materials available, such as ivory or oak, so it won't really behoove me to understand what it is my factory produces, as long as the checks keep rolling in.


Pez dispensers with character heads based on the old 80's cartoon Thundercats.


Obviously, you have gotten lost, because you ended up here. Since you're here, feel free to say "hi."