Thursday, June 16, 2005


I was in bed last night, thinking about the problem of heroes. We have alot of them, and it seems that everyone in the United States has a different idea of what a hero is. I am usually pretty vocal against the military, an organization that many of my fellow citizens adamantly support as a bastion of heroes.

I feel I need an example of a hero to justify dashing someone else's, and I think the Astronaut is a great one (NASA in general). Getting a man to step on the moon required a vast arry of engineers, mathematicians, physicists, and polticians to make it work. Unlike the explorers of old, they were not backed by greed for gold or new land, but by an adventurous spirit to break the barriers of the human realm, expanding the scope of what is possible for Man.

An Astronaut is in great shape, and posesses a keen intellect. Better yet, they have a curiousity about the universe, and are willing to put their life and faith on the line to figure out how it works. What little boy grew up without saying the words "I want to be an Astronaut"?

I think that if the country's orientation toward Heroism slanted toward the Astronaut, rather than the Military Soldier, many of the root philosophies that plague this country's political systems would simple cease to be (A bold statement that I will explore when I have more time).

In short - I fully support the space program, and I think it serves as an inspiration to all mankind.

Not to get sappy or anything. . .