Thursday, October 20, 2005

Scary Idea #2

The Chimera's Den is a local gaming store that has little to offer anybody. It's a tight, dark little place with mold on the carpet. The bathroom (at least the one time I used it) was absoultely disgusting. I attempted to buy a few books the first time I visited, but the owners' credit card machine was down, and he went on a rant about credit cards, and how all patrons should just bring cash. *sigh*

I don't want to drive anyone out of business, but I know I could do handsprings around the "Den." He hasn't bothered to cultivate any new market, he doesn't advertise, he seems to have no network or conections outside of his business. He opens areoung 3pm and closes, in his words. . . "whenever I damn well feel like it." Last time I was in there, he looked at me blankly when I asked about WOTC's releases next month. He has no selection either, and when I asked about some products pretty common to the gaming hobby, and he said he could order them at list price with 20% cash upfront, arriving in about two weeks. Amazon is cheaper and quicker, man!

I have not found a job yet, and am starting to believe that my future career will be in Landry's management training program, which is pretty depressing.

So, with all of this in mind, Jackie and I have been discussing the idea of starting my own business in Galveston. It's primarily a tourist town, with about 60,000 residents. It also has three colleges, including UTMB, with students and employees who count for over 10,000+ of that population.

I think there are mnay things that lacking in this town, and before I head to the bank with my volumnous business plan, I need to understand what people want and figure out what isn't already here. It's entirely possible that a high-quality, friendly gamig store just isn't going to fly around here. There is a big convention in Houston in February, and a gaming store in Clear Lake that has a great feel. I need to contact them both immediately, and see if they can help me with research.

Then again, even if a gaming store doesn't work out, there are a many other busness that I think would be sucessful on this island, at least in my initial brainstorming:

1. Candy Shop - there is a carmel candy store on The Strand, but that's it. If you want a chocholate coverd cherry on this island, you have to buy it at CVS. I think there's potential there.

2. Comic Books - I haven't found one, and I'm pretty pure that there isn't one on the island. It's hard to believe, really. Unfortunately, other than Neil Gaiman and Order of the Stick, I haven't read a comic book in years. I don't have a start up collection or anything. Do comic book store owners need to read comic books?

3. Japanese Culture - The closest place to buy anime, or those paperback japanese graphic novels, is at the Mall of the Mainland, a thirty minute drive. Do people read that stuff here? Again though, my expertise is very limited, having seen a few of the mainstream biggies, but nothing else. I haven't read a graphic novel since The Dark Knight Returns. Hmmm . . .

4. Chicken Wings - When I arried on the Island, I saw a big sign that said "Wings," but it was a surf shop. There is no place to get specialty wings, like a BW-3's or an RJ Wingers. I loved those places in Indianapolis, and I miss them intensely. I have a feeling a restaurant would go over big here, but I dunno - maybe it's just a midwestern thing.

5. Music Store - there are plenty of used CD stores, but no place to buy new music. You have to drive to the Mall, or go to Target. There is also no place to buy muscial instruments. . . not one guitar store in this Island. That could be big, especially with a focus on Mexican-American instruments.

6. Movie House - There is one theatre on the Island, and it's infested with teenagers. I have been there many times already, and I absolutely hate their sound system and their cavailer attitude about keeping the place clean. I was thinking of a movie/bar, along the lines of a Cinema Grill or a Hollywood Bar and Filmworks. It was popular in Indianapolis, but then again, that was a much bigger town. At my place, I would focus on smaller Indie releases, and some Spanish films. Will they come?

7. Family Tourism - There are plently of places on the oceanfront that sell ice cream, seashells, and plastic buckets. I was thinking that a tourist business that sold family games, handcrafted chess sets, puzzle boxes, and unique card games. Maybe focus on themes that feature the ocean in some way. I am thinking about offering things for the "bored-in-the-hotel-room" family crowd, as well as the "unique-gift-that-also-brags-about-my-vacation" crowd. Plus, it offers higher class gaming materials for the locals.

8. Porno - Despite the numerous locations on this island for both "static" and "active" adult entertainment, I'll bet this is one field where there's always room for one more. It's creepy, but what can I say? It sells.

These are my initial ideas, and I think with some research and time, I could probably come up with some more. Obviously, a few would be more interesting that others. I need to get cracking on the market research, as well as continue my progress on Scary Idea #1 (getting paid to write stuff).

Despite the lack of a long-term career I can sink myself into, I CAN say that I'm going to stay busy. . .