The most
recent Time magazine is doing a large article about the nation's high school dropout rate. While a disturbing problem, that's not what drew me to the article. I noticed that they've used Shelbyville High School as their template!
During my childhood, we moved on average about every 2 years. I went to Shelbyville Jr. High in 7th grade, but moved away halfway through 8th grade. Unforutately, I was far too lost in my own world to notice the general quality of the schooling there.
I have more memories of seeing
Willow and
Friday the 13th Part Seven at the local theatre.

Well. . . I'm back.
It's been a very long time since I posted anything new, but after alot of very positive changes, such as getting accepted to graduate school at the University of Houston, I figured this would be the perfect place to launch my triumphs into the empty void of the cybershpere.
I plan to get right back on the horse, switching between mind-numbing prattle, sophomoric wanna-be philosophising, and brain dumping on any random issue on the latest randomn news story.
The current item on my agenda is mangos. I found out the hard way that I am very allergic to them. When I woke up this morning, my right eye was nearly swollen shut, and I had broken out in hives all over my face. I am currently on steroids (the good kind. . . not the Barry Bonds horse-tranqs) to relieve my symptoms. The doc said 48 hours should clear everything up.
On a side note, I really liked the taste of those things. They were hard to get the skin off, but I though they were worth it. I guess from now on, if I want mango flavor, I'll have to stick to mango Dum Dums and mango margaritas.