Odds and Ends
The following good things happened this weekend. . .1. I bought Arrested Development on DVD, and it's all that I wanted it to be. Best show since Seinfeld. I haven't watched a whole lot of television these days, mostly because of the fuzzy picture. I can proudly say that I haven't had cable TV since my move to Indianapolis in 1998, and I haven't missed anything important. On the other hand, I spend alot of money on DVDs, and while in Indianapolis, I got 6 clear channels. Here I get 4 fuzzy ones.
2. Went to the Colts game yesterday, and watched them beat Houston. I lucked out on free tickets through one of Jackie's contacts at UTMB. There really are alot of nice people in this town. The only downside is the my future of live football. I'm thinking about getting a three-game season ticket package next year, but the parking is 30 bucks! I may have to decline on priciple.
3. Bonded over beers with a guy at the Seely Center for Aging, and he's going to start putting in good words for me in his program. He's been affiliated with UTMB for 13 years, and he may just be the kind of "in" I'm looking for.
4. Decided to pursue a small business. Working out the initial budget shows that is may be a bit easier than I thought. I am going with #7 from the posts below. It's a good pedigree that fulfilled my desire for a clean, well-lit gaming store (I will have dark space in the back room for the black T-shirt wearing guys), and accounts for the copious tourism of this island. I really want to involve the locals though, so I'm going to serve a few drinks, and try to get local artists to crafts things liek chessboards, etc. I have ideas for classes, and special events, and right now I just need to organize and learn everything I can about the process. Barring a good job, I am shooting for an April opening.
5. Spent a long time in Webster, TX at a Barnes and Noble. I am finally experiencing some small successes with my current writing/submissions, but the master plan was always to start with my comfort zone (D&D) and use what I've leaned to expand my horizons (and my confidence). I have copies of 4 new magazines that don't require research or expertise from their contributors. My strategy is the same: to basically flood them with stuff. I am going to try to up the professionalism a notch, though. I've already been dinged once on proofreading, of all things, and I know this is because I'm so anxious to move on to the next thing that I don't take enough time to deal with what's in front of me.
Anyway, it was "good times" and I think my future's looking brighter too.