Butterfly Legal Briefs

Conservationists sued the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on Thursday seeking protection for a rare butterfly they say is threatened by off-road vehicles at one of the largest sand dunes in the West.
Apparently, the Fish and Wildlife Service is going to spend about 35 grand on a preliminary review, to see if it needs to devote even more resources to a larger review.
There can't be that many waystations, parks, and equipment rental/service centers that provide access to that particular dune. Why not spend a fraction of the extravegant investgation costs and do a basic and friendly awareness campaign with the people who use the dune? WHy not kill many birds with one stone and focus on every endangered creature in the region?
Put up some flyers with pretty pictures, do a few local news hits every few months, fly in for a seasonal seminars with local officials, and let the off-roaders take some responsibility for themselves. Sounds good to me.