Happy happy happy happy!!!

From Science Daily: "Psychotropic drug prescriptions for teenagers skyrocketed 250 percent between 1994 and 2001, rising particularly sharply after 1999, when the federal government allowed direct-to-consumer advertising and looser promotion of off-label use of prescription drugs, according to a new Brandeis University study in the journal Psychiatric Services."
Stick a poor monkey in a cage, and force it to learn countless tasks and social nuances to gain the absolute minimum of companionship. Once is masters those tasks, don't bother with praise or rest. Just give it more to do, and reinforce it by bombarding the creature's brain with images of perfection and the shame of not living up to that standard. Escalate the requirments for basic survival and wear the beast down until it finally breaks down and lashes out in rage or fear.
Apply tranquilizer as needed.