The GRE approaches
I am scheduled to take the GRE on December 10th, and so far, most of the test prep is going very well. The math stuf has always been easy for me, and I am pretty good at reading comprehension, and analogies. I am also working on my essay skills, and am trying to fix many of the impetuous problems that I have with my organization.On the other hand, I stink at vocabulary. After a second practice test today, I know this is going to me a major diatribe for me. I bought a book a couple of weeks ago that's meant to help me satiate my vocabulary. After 30+ years of implacable speaking, I am just now learning how often I articulate words.
For example, I learned about the word "capricious" today. I always used it in a way that means "to cause willful harm to others," but actually, it's closer to "changes mind whimsically/often." I have dissembled this word a hundred times over the years, and every time it's had a onerous connotation. But technically, there's nothing inherently negative about it, so it explains how I can consistently vaccilate.
::forehead on table::
::forehead on table::
Hey Kids!
Special BONUS Game in this post!! Your Uncle Platypus Chris misused 7 words in the above post. How many can you find? If you can help help him before his GRE, you get a plethora of spectacularific prizes, including. . . an autographed copy of Deluxe Scrabble, a dog-eared Webster's Dictonary, and a pint full of Uncle Platypus Chris' very own panic sweat!
Hurry hurry, don't delay!!!