National Novel Writing Month

Well, I'm doing it. I have to average about 1,700 words a day, to reach 50K by November 30th. Considering that I probably average about a grand right now, I figured I night as well give it a try. I almost did it last year, but I couldn't muster up the courage.
As far as ideas go, I have quite a few. About two years ago, I started an idea journal - a single Word file where I keep all of my strange ideas for stories. I still update it from time to time (though lately I've been keeping a second mini-journal for D&D magazime proposal queries). In that 7 page mix of short idea paragraphs, there are about 6 novels . . . I've decided to write one of those. No outline, no research. . . just going for it.
My NaNoWriMo profile has more informaiton regarding, and includes my daily progress.
Blog post word count: 153 (multiply this by ten, and I'm done for today!)