I went to see the eye doctor today. Lately, I have been getting headaches after long bouts at the computer, some of them behind my eyes, and some have been very bad. I figured it was time for a new prescription anyway, so I scheduled an appointment.I have never had good vision, and over the years, it has gotten worse. The problem is exacerbated (GRE here I come!) by two very different qualities. My left eye has terrible nearsightetness and astigmatism, while my right eye is almost normal. They don't work well together, and for some reason my bad left eye has always been the dominant eye. Needless to say, their inability to work together has caused alot of problems, and has contributed to a steady decline in my vision over the years.
Anyway, the visit was a success. I learned quite a bit about the eyes and my problems with near-sighted focusing. Furthermore, I think the doctor figured some solutions out for me. In addition to a number of ergonomic changes I'll be making at my workstation, I'm getting a new pair of prescription reading glasses on Thursday. They are meant to take some of the pressure off of my eyes when they're trying to focus up close, and I am supposed to use them for reading and computer use. Problem is solved. . . at least I hope!!
Oh yeah, something of light to moderate concern: He couldn't get my right eye to 20/20, and did a cornea topography. I've never had one before, and it turns out my right cornea is very misshapen. I am supposed to see him again in a year to see if it's gotten any worse. Right now, he isn't able to tell if it's been a life-long problem, or a recent event. We both agreed that since I've known that my left eye was dominate through earlier exams, it means that the problem has most likely been there for years, and is not the beginning of a physical decline. :/