Michael Brown is a Wuss

Rep. Charlie Melancon, whose district south of New Orleans was devastated by the hurricane, posted a sampling of e-mails written by Federal Emergency Management chief Michael Brown on his Web site on Wednesday.
I have to say that this is just lame. If you can forgive the blatent misuse of his position (which you can't), forget about the cavalier attitude toward those in need (which is reprehensible), and symapthize with a man wh ois in way over his head (which is no excuse). . . then tell me this:
Why didn't Brown just act in his own best interest? One E-mail advised him to "roll up his sleeves to the elbows," just like the president does, becasue it makes you look more hard-working. Why didn't he JUST work harder? The crisis was an opportunity. . . a career builder. If anything else, Mr. Brown could have come out of that terrible situation seen as a leader of men, someone who couldtake charge when teh going got tough. Plus, along the way, he could have even done some good for a lot of people. He could have written his own ticket.
Mayor Guliani was voted man of the year because he busted his ass after 9-11. Why didn't Brown do the same?
Because he's a Wuss.